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Searching: Improve global search so it's more like 'cmd-F' search



The global search feature is great for finding the first instance of the search, but not for skipping through many instances! The within-note search, however, is great as it shows you how many matches there are and most importantly it lets you navigate through matches



  • Global search, type in: john
  • Evernote finds notes containing "john" and automatically selects a note and selects the first instance of "john" within that note; great.
  • Now, how do you navigate to all the other "john" matches in that note, or any other note that evernote found "john" within?
    • You have to manually 'go into the note' (e.g. clicking within the note), then use the local search feature (i.e. cmd-f or ctrl-f)


Using the local search function (i.e. within-note search, cmd-f/ctrl-f) is great: it scrolls through a note, highlighting each instance of 'john', skipping to the next instance each time the return key is pressed (or the arrows are used); we need these features on the global search!

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I agree The Mac OS application lacks in its Global search capability. The PC Global search feature is better it still lacks the Ctrl-F capability. 

I have attached a CTRL-F search Screen Shot and an Evernote PC Search Screenshot to illustrate our point.

It would prove powerful and beneficial if Evernote would improve its search function to include what is available in the CTRL-F command in a web browser,



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I am a premium user.  I am a nurse, and I have a couple of thousand notes from work that look like these notes below.  When I do a global search for all notes containing the abbreviation "ER", which stands for Early Rescue, all notes with any coupling of er will show up, ie flower, tracker, laser, etc.  I'm not trying to find all words containing er, I am trying to find all notes containing the abbreviation ER so I can review information on all patients who benefitted from an early rescue early rescue.  I am frustrated because I cannot make this work.


ITM 1012 pt with Tx orders to ICU for half a day. RN called and said she was concerned about the patients breathing and felt she was decompensating. I aske bedboard to expedite transfer to ICU.  There is only one bed. I went to see the patient. She is breathing <20/min, Sats 96 on O2. BBS CTA. GCS 15 but sleepy after Seroquel and Oxycodone and Hydralazine. Pt is fine. Had nurse notify trauma to withdraw transfer. 
ER Ali and Tracy 436 pt post IR with procedural PTX. On rounds Tracy told me they had a patient with a chest tube. They usually don't take care of PTs with CTs so I went in to look at it. 
Discussed reading journal articles with Kari, Andrea, Morgan on 12. Laura and Tiffany on 11. Jacob Sierra and Andrea on 10. Myles and Chere on 5.
ER ITM Chere 501. On rounds I noticed pt with HR 150 to 170 with Afib RVR. Pt is cool and somewhat clammy but denies CP or SOB. She has a GCS 15. BP117/. Cardiology aware of rate as high as 150 on day shift and they ordered PO Metoprolol. Afib with RVR in 150 to 170 range has persisted all shift per Chere but the highest documented rate is 150. I advised to notify Cardiology on call that rate persists in this high zone. Document when vital signs are abnormal!!!!!!!!
They ordered IV Metoprolol. 
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  • Level 5*
On 4/9/2017 at 3:17 AM, davidatrout said:


I am a premium user.  I am a nurse, and I have a couple of thousand notes from work that look like these notes below.  When I do a global search for all notes containing the abbreviation "ER", which stands for Early Rescue, all notes with any coupling of er will show up, ie flower, tracker, laser, etc.  I'm not trying to find all words containing er, I am trying to find all notes containing the abbreviation ER so I can review information on all patients who benefitted from an early rescue early rescue.  I am frustrated because I cannot make this work.


You can search for ER followed by space enclosed in quotes, "ER ", to find the notes.  A workaround would be to precede ER with the underscore, _ER.  This will create a unique search item eliminating any words that start with er.

FYI, EN only searches from the beginning of words.  Any of the notes that are returned will have a word that begins with er, error for example.  So flower or tracker weren't words that caused the note to be found, they are just words in the note that got highlighted in the note view because of the er in them.  If you create a note with flower and tracker in it, it won't be found if you search all notes for er.  Add error to the note and it will be found.

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