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Web Platform - Google Chrome


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For the past week there has been intermittent issues with the web platform on Google Chrome. Notebooks and notes are not displaying properly when scrolling (not showing at all at times) This happened to many users. A quick fix has been to clear cache and browser history but it has not been 100% successful. 

Is there a fix in the pipeline? Anyone else having this issue? 

Thank you.



Western Australia. 

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I have had this problem all week long, both at the office and at home.  For me, the problem is in the classic web version.  I don't have the same problem when I use the beta, but then I'm stuck using the version that I find significantly lacking in functionality (at least compared to the classic version).  It may finally be enough to drive me to One Note.

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  • Level 5*

With regard to the web functionality,  we do hear that a rewrite is in progress and a new web version 'should' appear in a few months... which may explain why the current 'new' version seemed to stall months ago and never got up to as many features as the original.

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