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Links Missing in eMail Sent to Evernote


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I manually forward email I need to action or review from my Yahoo mail to my Evernote "!Inbox" notebook. For some reason when I open the emails in my Evernote account, the embedded links in text (like blog articles) have been deleted from the email. It's a bit frustrating as I'm often more concerned with having those links than the other stuff in the email (which usually just gives a brief description of what is at the link).  Sometimes if there are pictures a workaround is to click the picture and then select "go to web page".  But if there are no pics I have to search for related words hoping I can find the blog page based on its description. I want to know if this loss of links is caused by my Evernote settings or my Yahoo mail settings? If anyone knows or can send me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

Hi.  I've used email forwarding but never noticed that any links were broken.  Sounds like it may well be a Yahoo mail issue.  Can you copy (CC) the email to another address to see whether the link is missing after the email is received at a different address?

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-02-16 at 10:27 AM, FizxGuy said:

I manually forward email I need to action or review from my Yahoo mail to my Evernote "!Inbox" notebook. For some reason when I open the emails in my Evernote account, the embedded links in text (like blog articles) have been deleted from the email.

I just forwarded mail from my iCloud and GMail accounts - links were preserved

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also having a similar problem.  Whenever I give out my Evernote email address and receive emails directly from businesses I am unable to click on any of the links.  Is there a setting that I need to change?

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  • Level 5*
12 hours ago, HJBoos said:

I'm also having a similar problem.  Whenever I give out my Evernote email address and receive emails directly from businesses I am unable to click on any of the links.  Is there a setting that I need to change?

Hi.  Your Evernote email address is meant for you to be able to add notes to your account by email.  Each new note uses part of you upload allowance for the month,  and if your address is in public use you stand a good chance of attracting spam emails too,  which can use up your allowance very quickly.  I'd suggest you change your account email address and stop using it for general correspondence. If you want to move email to your Evernote account,  set up rules from your normal email client to select which traffic your redirect.

As we already discussed,  we're unable to replicate broken links on incoming emails - try using your own email client to forward emails,  and let us know what that is,  and which ISP you use if those links don;t then work.

How to save email into Evernote




Reset your email address

To reset your incoming email address, go to your 'Account Settings' page, select 'Account Summary', and click Reset in the 'Email Notes to' section. This is useful when you've shared your incoming email address with others and want to revoke access to your email at anytime.



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