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OneNote Web Clip shortcut is opening in Evernote

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I have a new notebook computer running Windows 10. If I use the documented OneNote shortcut for web clippings, which is <Windows> + <Shift> + S in Windows 10, my clipping opens up as a new note in Evernote. Has anyone else had this issue -- and is there a fix? In Windows 7, the shortcut to clip to OneNote was <Windows> + "S". It changed in Windows 8 and changed again in Windows 10. It seems as if Evernote has hijacked the documented OneNote shortcut.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'm running Win10 but Win+Shif+S just pops up my Start/search menu,  as does Win+S.  Seems to me your issue is that the shortcut for OneNote is not working,  which is really an issue to raise with them.  That key combination isn't a standard Windows or Evernote shortcut,  so it's difficult to know how it may have become activated.  If you check Evernote > Tools > Options > Shortcut Keys you can check the current assignments and save new ones or reset defaults.  This behaviour may just be the result of a software conflict - reinstalling the affected app usually resets the defaults.

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