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New version: good UI, not so good UX




I'm a big fan of Evernote and have been using it for at least 3 years now. It's undoubtedly the best app of its niche, by a mile and half.

However, the latest iOS Evernote's versions for iPhone and iPad left me with the impression that the developers put great effort on the interface and changed it so much that it worsened the user experience.

The app was just fine. Now there are lots of things that are 1 more click away, which is bad UX. Other things you just can't customize, or can't filter.

For instance: if I want to filter my notes by date reminder, there isn't an option available. The filtering options are few. We have to have all the options available, like on the Desktop version.

Also if you want to create a reminder you have to click on a button, then select the reminder. Then the icon appears, then you click on the icon. Then you select that you want to add a date and then you have to roll until you get to your specific date.

See how many clicks? That's just bad UX. BTW, this calendar format should be changed. It's terrible to roll forever and ever if I want to create a reminder for, say, a year from today. And I frequently do this, so having a more flexible calendar would be better. You guys could look into that :)

Also, sometimes when writing a note, if I roll up or down, the keyboard sort of freezes and disappears, then a semi-menu pops and locks in the middle of the screen. To make it disappear I have to roll the page all way down and then up again.

Just weird.

To sum up: good UI, not so good UX. That's my take on the new version, but I'm sure you guys will keep on adjusting and making it better.

Please, take into consideration the things I pointed out. The windows version is fine, btw.





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  • Level 5*
6 minutes ago, brunomau said:

For instance: if I want to filter my notes by date reminder, there isn't an option available.

Could you expand on this - and the options available on the desktop?

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Hi DTLow.

Sure, let me explain it better.

Please, check the image below, taken from my Windows desktop.


As you can see, I have the option to filter the notes using the date and time reminders. And I actually use it a lot, specially when I'm dealing with bills, since I can see the ones that are closer and the ones that I still have time to plan ahead.

I also use it this filter a lot when it comes to To Do lists. I create dates and timers and then I filter the notes so I know which are the ones I need to do first.
This is one of the ways I use Evernote to keep me productive.

However, on the mobile app I can't do this now and the filters are limited, as you can see on the image below.

I hope I was able to better explain the issue. If not, please ask for clarification and I'll be glad to help.


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, brunomau said:

As you can see, I have the option to filter the notes using the date and time reminders.

Got it - in Windows you're displaying top list view, and sorting on the Reminder Column
- option: ascending date 
- option: descending date

In IOS v8, you can display your outstanding reminders with the Reminders Page
- no sort options; the display sequence is ascending reminder date

With the previous IOS version, the Reminders Page also grouped the reminders by Notebook

v8 allows you to display a Notebooks List, and filter by Reminders, but the sort sequence options is restricted to     title, update date, create date

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35 minutos atrás, DTLow disse:

- no sort options; the display sequence is ascending reminder date

Most of the notes are ascending, but some are out of sequence. I don't know if maybe it's a conflicting line of a code.

I'm not a programmer but maybe some notes are following the ascending reminder date syntax and a few are filtering by 'last updated', so it breakes the sequence.

See the attached image and you'll understand what I mean.

The first note is set to 08/07/17, but the second is set to 08/11/17, the third to 08/10/17, the fourth to 08/09/17.

So you see that it misplaced july out of the filter somehow.

Therefore now we don't have the descending filter available on the mobile version and the acending one is presenting a weird sequence sometimes.

But that's pretty much it. I'm sure that won't be hard to fix.

Thanks for the attention and keep up with the good work!




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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, brunomau said:

See the attached image and you'll understand what I mean.

I don't think you you're displaying the Reminders Page.  I see a Notebook Page, filtered for reminders only
When you click on All Notes, you see a page where you can select 
          All Notes,    Reminders,    individual Notebooks

For notebook views, the sort options are title, update date, create date

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  • Level 5*
5 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I don't think you you're displaying the Reminders view
When you click on All Notes, you see a page where you can select 
All Notes, Reminders, individual notebooks

For notebook views, you the sort options are title, update date, create date

The view represents reminders in the A Pagar notebook.  And as noted in other threads as well, the notes are NOT in reminder order.  Looks like it is created or updated order.  

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4 minutos atrás, DTLow disse:

I don't think you you're displaying the Reminders view
When you click on All Notes, you see a page where you can select 
All Notes, Reminders, individual notebooks

For notebook views, you the sort options are title, update date, create date


But that's my complaint.

I fins this version bad when it comes to the UX.

I don't want to sort ALL of my reminders. I want to be able to go to specific notebooks and there I want to filter the notes.

Just like the image I showed you on the Windows version.

I use so many reminders that it becomes chaotic if I have to check all of them all together on this reminder "menu" or "notebook-like" option.

The problem is exactly the few options we have when it comes to customizing the display options of the notes inside each notebook.

The ideal is to sort the notes by date reminder, ascending/descending, inside a specific notebook, just like on the desktop version :)


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15 minutos atrás, csihilling disse:

The view represents reminders in the A Pagar notebook.  And as noted in other threads as well, the notes are NOT in reminder order.  Looks like it is created or updated order.  

Yes, the notes are filter by updated order. Mainly because the reminder order is not available. And that's what I'm asking that it should be included in the next version.

I have already gone through every corner of this app, clicked on all available buttons and checked all available combinations.

There isn't a filter that let's me go into a specific notebook and filter the notes by date reminder ascending/descendig orders. If there is, please help me find it.

The options availabe are: date updated, dated created and note title.

Plus I can open the "Reminders" and see all of the reminders in one place, without beinf able to sort them by ascending/descending nor separate them by notebooks.

So that's why I say it's not a goos UX.

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-02-02 at 4:38 PM, brunomau said:

I don't want to sort ALL of my reminders. I want to be able to go to specific notebooks and there I want to filter the notes

With the previous IOS version, the Reminders Page grouped the reminders by Notebook

In the v8, the only solution I can see is to go to Reminders
- and type in the Search Box      Notebook:xxxx
- or use the Tag Selection

Note: We were told there are future enhancemcents for reminders


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Fully agree with this. Few other things I'm missing with the new UI:

  1. It seems I can't search in a note anymore? One way I use Evernote is as a reading list, and when I'm in the middle of an article and need to stop, I place the text /here as a bookmark for the point where I stopped reading. I now can't easily find this point anymore.
  2. I can't easily / quickly create a new note while in another note. I might do this when I'm reading something, get an idea or see a link (for which I then quickly create a new note in my inbox) and then continue with the previous note.
  3. I can't hide the keyboard when I'm done typing.
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  • Level 5*
16 minutes ago, timmetz said:

It seems I can't search in a note anymore?

I can click on the . . .  and then  Search In Note

>>I can't hide the keyboard when I'm done typing.

I can hide the keyboard by sliding down the note
In landscape mode, the keyboard actually has a "hide" button

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