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Evernote "touch"

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I recently got a laptop with Windows 10 and a touchscreen.  I have come to like the touch interface much more than I would have thought.  Most apps support touch pretty well.  Evernote doesn't.  At least the Windows version I downloaded from the web site doesn't support touch the way most of my other apps do.  I read the announcement that the touch version of Evernote has been canceled and apparently a version can be downloaded from the Windows Store that supports the touch interface.  

Here's my problem:  my company has decided that installing apps from the Windows Store represents a security vulnerability, although they don't prevent me from downloading from the Internet and installing.  So if the Evernote version in the MS Store is different than what is available on the Evernote web site, then I'm out of luck – unless there is a way to get the MS Store version another way.

So my two questions are a) are the versions different in the two locations and B) if they are different, is there a way to get the MS Store version another way?

[Edited for clarity]

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  This is the 'official' notification of Touch's demise - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/223607067-Discontinued-support-for-Evernote-Touch-on-Windows

I believe I've seen it said by one of the developers that your version of Windows determines which features are installed - only devices with the anniversary update get the absolute latest version (I think - no idea why..) but earlier versions of Windows 10 do get whatever elements of the app are supported by that version.

Having said which - if you can't download from the Windows Store,  the only place you'll get the current version is Evernote.com (or one of the many download options).  I'd suggest you try the standard download and see how you get on.  If necessary you'll be able to uninstall and reinstall something else without losing affecting the Evernote database.  If the standard download works for you...you can post additional feature requests in the Windows Feedback forums.

Good luck!

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As I triied to indicate in my question, because I'm not able to install the MS Store version I am only able to use the version that is available on the Evernote web site.  That version doesn't support touch.  If you try to push the window up or down, for example, you wind up highlighting text.  Trying to push the window up or down by pressing on the scroll bar is hit and miss.

Hence my question...

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  • Level 5*

Sorry,  didn't realise you'd already tried the Evernote version.  If that doesn't work for you,  I can't suggest any other options - don't even know if the Windows Store version is in any way different.  You could contact support directly if you can,  or message them on Twitter - to see if they have any suggestions...

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  • Level 5*

The Windows store version is the same as the download version. They used Project Centennial that wraps up a win32 app in a way that allows it to be distributed via the store. It is a distribution mechanism mostly. No change to core features or the UI. 

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