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"Look forward to announcements of improvements over the next 6 months."



Scruggles exciting observation made on the last occasion we were privileged to see any release notes (18th August) has had me on tenterhooks for the last five months!

The next four weeks are going to be really something given that the last five months have been absolutely .... nothing...

I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to make my financial contribution to a tool which is in a continuous state of development and improvement. Like all of you, I feel that it has been money well spent and look forward to having the opportunity to fund further development.

And don't forget to keep voting for the changes that you would most like to see folks, but always bearing in mind, of course, that they may actually have no influence whatsoever on the development of the version that I have come to refer to affectionately as good old, workaround-plagued Webby:D

This is a cue for that stout-hearted Scruggles-defender DTLow to reply with something very sensible along the lines of "I really don't see the point of your post. Did you write to Scruggles personally before posting this?" Well the point, old son, is that I don't like anybody or any organisation taking the piss and thinking I haven't noticed. :angry:


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3 hours ago, Glennie said:

Scruggles exciting observation made on the last occasion we were privileged to see any release notes (18th August) has had me on tenterhooks for the last five months!

There's further info on the projects here: https://blog.evernote.com/tech/2016/10/17/bringing-micro-services-to-the-client-side-project-ion-and-micro-components/

edited: Point of your post - Whiners gonna whine?

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