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How to move a note and create a notebook in one step



Hi everybody,

I have a note which is located in a notebook e.g. "Inbox". Now I want to move it to a new notebook, which does not exist at the moment. So, normally I click in the upper left area of the note section on the current notebook name to change it. Then I get a window with all my existing notebooks and a search filed. If I want to move it to an existing notebook, no problem. But when I want to create a new notebook there, I can not see any option to create a new one. Is it right or is there a trick I don`t know ? On the iPad there is underneath the search filed a "create new notebook" button, but not in the Mac version? Any ideas? Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-02 um 11.25.39.png

I attached a screenshot of the window area.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  No such option in Windows desktop either,  though it does exist in Android mobile.  You've raised this in the Help section rather than Feedback,  which offers other users a chance to vote on it.  I'll move it to the general feedback thread since it affects both Mac and Windows desktop.  If you want me to move it back,  or elsewhere,  please say...


  1. As the original poster,  you won;t be able to register a vote
  2. THE VOTING BUTTON IS STILL BROKEN - hit 'downarrow' to add 1 to the counter !!
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