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HOW do I post a note to Tumblr from Evernote WITH images intact?

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HOW do I post a note to Tumblr from Evernote WITH images intact? The only solution I've found is e-mailing Tumblr, which no longer works since Tumblr has discontinued that service. There has to be some way I could post my note on Tumblr without having to manually add each image back in. 

Exporting the HTML doesn't work since the images are being stored locally and I really don't want to have to go into the HTML and change the image location for each image. (Plus the exported HTML doesn't really work on Tumblr) 


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  • Level 5*

wasn't being sarcastic. I don't use postach.io or Tumbler - other than the latter to follow EN's status. But I will admit searching for EN integrations in their "Trunk" are not easy to find via Google which is why I pointed it out. But on general info, google is the way to go.

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