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(Archived) Feature Request: Smart Notebooks & Tags

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AH. I just saw that someone else has already made pretty much the same post.


...well, for posterity, here's what I wrote:

I was hoping to create some "Smart Notebooks" to dynamically organize my notes with Tags.

For example, if I create a Notebook that automatically adds Notes tagged with the phrase "design", then tagging a new note with "design" will represent that note in that Smart Notebook, in addition to whatever other notebook(s) it might be in.

One of the advantages of this is that I can have a note represented in several different notebooks.

For example, if I tag it "Design" and "Public" then it will show up in Notebook I've designated for "Design", and another folder I've made "Public" to other users.

Presently, I think Tags seem to only be used for the "root level, single-tag" filtering, but a "Smart Notebook" would allow you to set up Booleans with Tags, and also control the collections with the same options as a regular Notebook (making it public, syncing, whatever else).

Additionally, it would make the desired process of having a note represented in multiple notebooks, while still existing as a single database entry (so one change is reflected in all notebooks)

In case you're wondering what my specific use-case was:

I wanted to keep my notes organized internally (in notebooks like "Design" "Product Ideas" "Research" whatever) but I also wanted to take some of those notes (not all) and publish them to collaborators in shared notebooks, or assign them to "project-specific" notebooks as well. But I discovered that I can't represent a Note presently in more than one Notebook.

Anyone have any ideas?


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So what's the other post that you reference? If what you're posting sheds light on or relates to a different thread, shouldn't you be posting in reply to the original post, so that the conversation stays in one place, and others can follow it?


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