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(Archived) Three things that would make me upgrade to Premium

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  • Ability to adjust photos/images- many times I'll take a picture with my camera phone (of a whiteboard, or a label, or a recipe) which is too dim to read clearly. It woult be great to make very simple image adjustments to images, such as increasing contrast or brightness
    Ability to copy text from an OCRed image
    Better text formatting, particularly when copying/pasting from other applications- other users have commented on v3.5's shortcomings in this area

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Ability to adjust photos/images- many times I'll take a picture with my camera phone (of a whiteboard, or a label, or a recipe) which is too dim to read clearly. It woult be great to make very simple image adjustments to images, such as increasing contrast or brightness

You can actually do this already in the desktop app, you just right click on the image and click "open with". This will open the image in your chosen software where you can make changes and when you save it the changed version is shown in the note. I've used this a few times and it's always served my purposes well.

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  • Level 5*

There is some discussion elsewhere on the forum on how much image manipulation Evernote should provide internally, and how much it should it should rely on external programs. One case was someone who takes sideways photos of contract pages and wants the ability to have them displayed rotated in Evernote. I fall on the side of wanting Evernote to stick to note management (thus relying on external programs to clean up my note sources), but that's just my opinion.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If you can live with the external editing, try out Irfanview (http://www.irfanview.com/)if you haven't already. It doesn't do advanced editing, but you can rotate, crop, enhance, etc. very, very easily - and it's super fast to load. Plus it's free. There are lots of extensions (most packaged up in one install) but for simple editing it doesn't need them.

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