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Evernote Actualalisation Window

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Each night, I switch my desktop PC OS: Windows 8 into energy saving modus. Most of the nights, quite regulary and very often, this enerfy saving modus is ended because Evernote pops up a window at 3 a.m. in the night that reminds me to update my Evernote version. This is rather enoying and costs unnecessary enefgy and money. I cannot find out how to stop this.unwanted feature.. Please could you help me in showing me how to get rid of this?


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8 hours ago, westfaelischniederdeutsch@ said:

My experience, The window did not turn up tonight, but the computer again  did not remain in the energy modus

Shut down Evernote. File|Exit in the English version. Clicking the red-X doesn't close Evernote.exe.

I suspect though you have other software that is causing the machine not to go to sleep.

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