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Attach pictures to a note

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I didnt manage to attach at once several pic to a note (less than 10 pic)
I use chrome. I tried alt+A

I even tried choosing the pic and pressing ctrl or pressing arrow

and then choose another one, when i moved to another one the first one wasnt kept.

(I did manage doing it with Google keep).





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  • Level 5*
37 minutes ago, SharonaDuchne said:

What is the benefit of EN above GK

EN is not part of an evil empire :)

Seriously, I'm not familiar with GK, but at the top of my list

- EN has tags for organization, and extensive search features for retrieval
  GK also has tags, but EN does a better job

- EN isn't locked in proprietary; I can easily export my notes or make use of extensions

- EN has Mac/Windows client software, allowing for an extended featureset 

- EN doesn't mine your data. 

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