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Entire Notebook Expunged

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Hi All

This is my first ever post in a online support forum (never done it before), so I am really sorry if I don't type things in a  clear way. I try my best.

I have been using Evernote for years. I use  windows version/ Web/ android / and web clipper on Firefox. Desktop: (3903502) Public

While working on my laptop and saving notes from clipper (some as full article, some as bookmark), I created a new notebook under a notebook stack. I changed few settings in webclipper such as not displaying related note after clipping. I saved some more webpages. Some under my main booknote (Enrico’s Notebook) and some in the newly created one. I go back and fourth from my dewsktop to clip and sync. The webclipper  is set to save by default to my original Enrico’s Notebook online.  Some of the notes instead I save into other notebooks.  

I have all syncing enable in the various platform, anyway I went back and forth between desktop and webclipper  pressing sync after I clipped.

All of the sudden I notice the my Enrico’s notebook (the one that was created automatically when I installed it)  is not there anymore!. I go back to webnote and checked there . The name is there but it has 0 notes!!!! instead of about 90. I check the trash and I found the two notes which I correctly trashed few moments before but nothing else (apart of old notes from days ago)

I press info on the web version and it says: enricospi8's notebook (Expunged on 2016/10/29 22:08:54)

I check my android phone and I see it shows still there with 98 notes.  I decide to put my android immediatly in plane mode. I set evernote app under sync automatically in 1 day. I am afraid if my phone battery died or I take it off plane evernote will restart and sync again and delete all of them !!!! what should I do ??? What happened ???

I paste the activity log in here because I hope you might understand better then I do:

Thank you so much whoever can answer.

UPDATE: before sending this I decided on my phone to duplicate notes from the Enricospi8's notebook while offline into a new notebook I created with the phone. Some did not duplicate so I moved them to a another existent notebook. The phone is offilen so not sure if will sync with all the rest when I connect. Can you advise if I done the right thing? 

Evernote for Windows (303502) Public
OS: Windows 6.3.9600
User: enricospi8
Memory: 71.0 MB
Created: 2016/10/29 22:42:09
Bootstrap info: loadedDatabase
<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" cardscanUrl="https://cscan.evernote.com/cardagain" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_google="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="https://evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="https://help.evernote.com/hc/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>
* The Activity Log contains a detailed list of the steps the Evernote application performs,
* as well as information about your account and your device. Your Note titles, tags,
* Notebook names and occasionally Note content also may be included. We treat your
* Activity Log data as confidential, and the terms of our Privacy Policy apply (http://evernote.com/privacy).
* You may remove anything you do not want to send us.

Log opened on 2016/10/29 00:17:59 (UTC+1:00)

00:17:59 [3872] Command line: "C:\Users\ACER W510\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe"

Log closed on 2016/10/29 00:17:59 (UTC+1:00)

Log opened on 2016/10/29 22:04:13 (UTC+1:00)

22:04:13 [6388] Command line: "C:\Users\ACER W510\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe"

Log closed on 2016/10/29 22:04:13 (UTC+1:00)

Log opened on 2016/10/29 22:28:35 (UTC+1:00)

22:28:35 [4560] Command line: "C:\Users\ACER W510\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe"
22:28:35 [4560] Evernote for Windows (303502) Public
22:28:35 [4560] Client info: Evernote Windows/303502 (en-US, DDL); Windows/6.3.9600 (Win32);
22:28:35 [4560] Common Editor: ce- (3aa1036cb453ebc20e9020428c15422a9dc948a8)
22:28:35 [4560] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedLastUsed)
22:28:38 [4560] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2016/10/29 22:15:00
22:28:39 [4560] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedDatabase)
22:28:40 [4560] Loaded session count: 1, last session: 2016/10/29 22:15:00
22:28:40 [4560] Opened database: C:\Users\ACER W510\Evernote\Databases\enricospi8.exb (84.9 MB Fixed 10.3 GB free)
22:28:40 [4560] * email: enrico.spi@hotmail.com
22:28:40 [4560] * user: 43393674
22:28:40 [1296] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s313/utility
22:28:41 [2508] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s313/utility
22:28:41 [5680] 0% Connecting to WebSocket at ws.www.evernote.com:443
22:28:43 [5680] 0% WebSocket connection authenticated
22:28:43 [5680] 0% * pingFrequencySeconds=300
22:28:43 [5680] 0% * maxMessageEventId=514063074
22:29:36 [4648] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s313/utility
22:29:37 [4172] Client synchronization started
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s313
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Connecting account enricospi8
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Loaded updateCount: 9605
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1
22:29:37 [1772] 0% SyncState: devices used: 2
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 9605
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Connecting account enricospi8
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Connecting account enricospi8
22:29:37 [1772] 0% Updating server items
22:29:38 [1772] 0% Creating server note "Evernote Web", resource count: 1
22:29:40 [1772] 0% * guid={bd4f1d8b-8a0f-4a42-89a5-f0109f0f6f70}
22:29:40 [1772] 0% * rsrc={7a43ec4e-3eb9-4bfc-84b6-04e936e83f95}, note={bd4f1d8b-8a0f-4a42-89a5-f0109f0f6f70}
22:29:41 [1772] 100% Connecting account enricospi8
22:29:41 [1772] 100% Loaded updateCount: 9605
22:29:42 [1772] 100% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
22:29:42 [1772] 100% SyncState: devices used: 2
22:29:42 [1772] 100% Client updateCount: 9605, server updateCount: 9607
22:29:42 [1772] 100% Retrieving list of changes from the server
22:29:42 [1772] 0% * saved 1 sync chunks, updateCount=9607
22:29:42 [1772] 0% Receiving account changes
22:29:42 [1772] 0% * expunge 0 notebooks, 0 notes, 0 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
22:29:42 [1772] 0% * update 0 notebooks, 1 notes, 0 resources, 0 tags, 0 searches, 0 linked notebooks
22:29:42 [4528] 0% Retrieving 1 note
22:29:42 [4528] 0% Retrieving note "Evernote Web"
22:29:42 [4528] 0% * guid={bd4f1d8b-8a0f-4a42-89a5-f0109f0f6f70}
22:29:43 [1772] 100% Connecting account enricospi8
22:29:44 [4172] Client synchronization finished, status: complete
22:29:44 [4172] * elapsed time: 7s
22:29:44 [4172] * 2 items sent
22:30:01 [4560] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2016/10/29 22:30:00





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  • Level 5*

Hi.  For any version of data loss I recommend you contact support directly if you can,  or message them on Twitter

From your description,  there's nothing that would appear to explain why a notebook should have gone missing;  and if you deleted it there would (I think) have been at least one 'are you really sure?' moment.  And the notes from that notebook should have been in the Trash notebook.  So far this is a mystery.

You'll already be aware that your Android can't export notes as such,  but if you're a Plus or Premium customer you can unsynced send notes out by email.  There's also the issue that the android doesn't actually store notes - the information you see may be mainly from the index of notes that is sent from the server to connected mobile devices to allow them to search the database.  There may be some notes in temporary Android storage,  but although you have 'moved' a note from one notebook to another,  you may only have saved the instructions for the server to do the actual move when your device next goes online - a move which it won't be able to complete if the server copy is gone.

If you can,  I'd leave the Android offline until you get a response from Support.  Meantime online - if you have the names of some of the missing notes - do a global search to check whether you may have moved the notebook on top of another to create a stack which 'hides' the original notebook name.

Good luck!

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  • Level 5*
On 2016-10-29 at 4:55 PM, Enri said:

I press info on the web version and it says: enricospi8's notebook (Expunged on 2016/10/29 22:08:54)

Can you provide more detail on what you pressed to get this information?

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Hi everyone . Thanks a lot for the prompt response .  

I thought I would be emailed when I received an reply but I wasn't (if you know of how to set up that let me know)


22 hours ago, gazumped said:

For any version of data loss I recommend you contact support directly if you can,  or message them on Twitter

I immediatly contacted support via email even before posting in here. I received no asnwer so far. I don't use twitter but I will try. 

22 hours ago, gazumped said:

have been at least one 'are you really sure?' moment.

No "are you really sure message" appeared. No traces of my messages on the Trash. 

22 hours ago, gazumped said:

You'll already be aware that your Android can't export notes as such

What you mean by 'export' in android. I assume you mean export to "text" or "word" so I can read with other program. No I was not aware I could not. :(


22 hours ago, gazumped said:

If you can,  I'd leave the Android offline until you get a response from Support.  Meantime online - if you have the names of some of the missing notes - do a global search to check whether you may have moved the notebook on top of another to create a stack which 'hides' the original notebook name.

I could not leave offline, I needed to use the phone. I put the Unsynced to one day, the maximum I could see. I could not see the option sync manually for example. I search as you suggested but no result. They truly disappeared. 

22 hours ago, gazumped said:

There's also the issue that the android doesn't actually store notes - the information you see may be mainly from the index of notes that is sent from the server to connected mobile devices to allow them to search the database.  There may be some notes in temporary Android storage,  but although you have 'moved' a note from one notebook to another,  you may only have saved the instructions for the server to do the actual move when your device next goes online - a move which it won't be able to complete if the server copy is gone.

OK. I have good news about this. As I said on my phone I still had all the notes. I created two new  folders. I duplicated many into one and the notes that did not duplicate (with no explanation given of the why) I moved to the second folder.

NOW , when the phone synced IT created the folders online with all the content and notes saved. SO it did duplicate on the android and moved too. 

BUT for some of them (about 10% ) did not work and they are NOT online. On my phone these notes with a little green arrow on the top right corner pointing up. If I try to open them this message appear "NOTE EDIT ERROR: Note content could not be downloaded this time. Check your network connection and try again later" (no network problem). 

So Mystery is still there and 10% of my notes missing still. 

What on earth happen? 

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22 hours ago, DTLow said:

Can you provide more detail on what you pressed to get this information?

Of course: Online . Press the notebook Icon. Choose a notebook. On the top the notebook appear with a dark grey background rectangle. On the top right corner there is a little "i" . I pressed that and I had the information. 

I don't know how to attach a screenshot in here :(

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  • Level 5*
21 minutes ago, Enri said:

I immediatly contacted support via email even before posting in here.

If you didn't receive a ticket number by automatic reply then your report was to the wrong place.  If you're a paying subscriber you can request assistance via the link I posted earlier - otherwise it's here if we can help (and I don't think we can) or Twitter.  Unless someone else comes up with some useful suggestions I think it would be best to wait for a reply from Evernote before doing anything more to recover your notes.  It would be a good idea though to view your database on a desktop and get a backup copy of all your notes!

How to back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows

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Greetings to all in the forum. Its my first time commenting here, I guess issues do pull us close to solutions, I do hope I get one here.

I use evernote basic on my Android phone. I must say, as a creative artist, its been amazing using EN cos of it's interactiveness, with me looking for every opportunity to take creative notes. Unfortunately, my phone kinda crashed, requiring a factory reset, which I did, and lost the app.

Now I've got me another android phone, reinstalled the EN app, but strangely, to my surprise, most of my (most recent) notes from the other phone are missing. I thought EN was supposed to sync and save documents automatically? All i see now are the titled notebooks, but 0 notes in them.

My question; is there a way or process anyone here can put me through to get back my notes?Please!!!

I checked 'trash', found nothing there and I can guarantee I did not delete those notes.

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  • Level 5*
19 hours ago, Klay said:

I use evernote basic on my Android phone. I must say, as a creative artist, its been amazing using EN cos of it's interactiveness, with me looking for every opportunity to take creative notes. Unfortunately, my phone kinda crashed, requiring a factory reset, which I did, and lost the app.

Now I've got me another android phone, reinstalled the EN app, but strangely, to my surprise, most of my (most recent) notes from the other phone are missing. I thought EN was supposed to sync and save documents automatically? All i see now are the titled notebooks, but 0 notes in them.

My question; is there a way or process anyone here can put me through to get back my notes?Please!!!

I checked 'trash', found nothing there and I can guarantee I did not delete those notes.

If you able, you should take a look at your notes on the web platform (www.evernote.com).
This is the master version and will tell you if the notes are really missing

>>I thought EN was supposed to sync and save documents automatically? All i see now are the titled notebooks, but 0 notes in them.

The mobile platforms don't store a notes database (exception for offline notebooks).  The most you get is note headers, and maybe remnants in cache

Not sure what you mean by titled notebooks

Make sure you  have internet service, are using the correct userid and completed the sync process

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@DTLow thank you for your promptness. Pardon words used. By gifled notes, I meant to describe notebooks that I created, in which I found 0 or no notes.

I will go check from my desktop and keep you informed on my findings. Thank you.

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