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Presentation Mode and contradictory responses from Evernote

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I was told by the initial Evernote support agent that there were no issues regarding presentation mode working. My issue is that when selecting multiple notes, and entering presentation mode, only the first note presents. There is no advancing to the other notes. A second agent then told me that this was a known issue. I was surprised to hear that because I could not find any information about it being a 'known issue'.  Is this a known issue and have others had this problem, and is there a solution to try? 


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Gazumped that worked!

I do not recall reading that anywhere, did I miss it?

It's a little busy on the keyboard - I can use spacebar to move through a longer note, then need to do control right arrow to move to the next note. Correct me if I am wrong, but spacebar should be doing all that? If not, I can work with this until they fix it.

On a related note, is there a way to get better formatting for a note I clip from a webpage? I use control spacebar in the note to simplify the note format but it doesn't seem to improve the note when in presentation mode - still doesn't look as good as a note I created and typed up. 

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I actually found out from one of the other gurus hereabouts,  but Evernote do document this,  and other useful stuff here - How to use presentation mode to present notes

As to web-clipped illustrations,  you may need to experiment a bit.  A screenshot (as opposed to an editable clip) can still be annotated,  and a picture will look the same in Presentation as it does on screen (subject to some possible fiddling with image sizes and layout).  Evernote's not big on styles yet - they're still developing the editor to do better things.  Again if you can get a print-out looking the way you'd like,  a PDF version of your note can be displayed in presentation mode (and paged through) and PDF will preserve whatever layout you create it with.

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I remember seeing the right and left arrow for navigation, but not with the control key - that's what worked for me (on windows), THANKS!

Using a table of contents doesn't work or is that only for Mac? I can make the TOC and start the note in Presentation mode, but once I click on a link, can't navigate forward to next note in TOC

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I think the help page is a little out of date on the details - I haven't tried the TOC approach since I found out how to move to the next note,  but that was an option at one time.  At the moment I think it's a question of finding out what works in your presentations and going with that.  :)

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