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(Archived) Organization . All notes are not created equal...

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Being forced to view my my notes by title, date created, size, etc. is a real issue for me - why am I not able to organize them by their importance to me? All notes are not created equal. I fear that after some time there is danger of me creating huge piles of notes... a mountain of unorganized notes. Is this not an issue for anyone else?

I very simply would like the ability to slide notes up and down the list within a notebook so that things that are important (or that need to be grouped together) could be kept top of mind. This is functionality that could easily be built in, yes? [The popular app. 'Things' does this with ease].

Christmas lists and to-do lists, for example, have a natural 'important to less important' ranking or order to them... but I cannot accomplish this with EN as it stands. Vacation planning notes/ideas also needs the ability to slide or group like notes together, yes? If I were taking a trip to SoCal then to Las Vegas ending in Colorado I should be able to add notes/ideas as they occur to me and have the ability to group them in the order the trip will be happening or group them with the part of the trip they are relevant to. Is anyone with me on this?!

Let's make some noise and get the functionality to slide or organize notes up and down a notebook list built in.

Cheers -

D --

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Let's make some noise and get the functionality to slide or organize notes up and down a notebook list built in.

Not for me, thank you. Tags, searches, saved searches, etc all work just fine, IMO. There is plenty of discussion already on the board about tags & how to use them to organize notes that you want grouped together. No need to rehash it here.

This is functionality that could easily be built in, yes?

I don't know. I guess if you think it's easy, you must be part of the EN dev team & know this first hand?

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I like this idea of a custom sorting where you could just drag and drop notes in any order you like, it would be a great compliment to regular sorting by date etc. Another thing that have been mentioned on the forum is some sort of color coding of the notes, that way you could easily spot the important ones from the not so important.

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I would at least like the opportunity to select a sort option for each notebook. A contacts notebook may be better organized alphabetically while a set of meeting minutes might be better by date created.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I like this idea of a custom sorting where you could just drag and drop notes in any order you like, it would be a great compliment to regular sorting by date etc.

I've tried to use Evernote as a writing app for long-form comics/graphic novels. This feature is the only thing that keeps me (and probably others) from really utilizing it for this purpose. It otherwise has so many things that are just right. I create a new notebook for each project. I have notes with reference images, scans (iphone pics, actually) of thumbnails, plot notes and character sketches. And then the different parts of the work are in separate notes. The only thing that's missing is the ability to move them around and re-arrange them easily. I've gotten around this by appending coded prefixes to the titles of the notes, then sorting them by title. But if I want to insert something into the middle of the sequence I have to re-name all of the following notes. Cumbersome, to say the least.

I would think that many other art and design professionals would drift to Evernote if it had this kind of organizational flexibility.

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