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(Archived) Evernote, Mobile Web and eBook Readers.

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Most of the e-book readers don't give any standard tools to integrate with applications like Evernote. If the reader supports a web browser, you can access your notes via our mobile web interface (http://www.evernote.com/m) on the reader to see your notes via the wireless network. For example, this works on a Kindle.

PDF documents are a bit more tricky. I think you might need to pull your PDFs out of Evernote and load them onto your device via the semi-proprietary mechanisms provided by the book vendor.

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  • 1 year later...

Pity, it would have been a nice feature.

Collect what you need/want to read in EN when working on your computer. Move over to the reader to read it.

At least until they start selling monitors with the e-reader technology. But even then it would often be easier to concentrate on reading that way. Instead of printing out.

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Collect what you need/want to read in EN when working on your computer. Move over to the reader to read it.


I don't know about all the ereaders, but certainly with a Kindle, you can skip the EN part & simply email (directly to your Kindle) or transfer via USB.

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  • 2 months later...

Any idea how to replicate the Kindle feature of highlighting in an ebook and having that sync to a webpage? Obviously, amazon and evernote would work out any sort of direct integration--don't see this as the sort of thing a third party tries to navigate.

But what about trying to build off an open-platform ereader? Are there any on the market that allow highlighting? Are there any open-source ereaders for desktops or mobile devices? Any open source base code that can be repurposed?

For me an ideal workflow would be

1. read ebook on mobile device (kindle, nook are proprietary but ipad readers would work as well as desktop ones)

2. highlight like kindle highlighting -- minimal tagging or categorization in the reader, make interface clean and light.

3. syncs to evernote, with their api adn featuers etc etc; tag, categorize, etc.

4. "clipped from" url would be to a public copy of your ebook, google books if applicable, or a third party service to-be-established.

5. perhaps inlcude formal reference abilities, like zotero...

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