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(Archived) Big Windows Update Coming - Don't trash the horizontal view


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  • Level 5

Just a few days ago, the Evernote Marketing Manager, Andrew Sinkov, posted the following comment on the blog: "We're working on a big Windows update. Stay tuned."

...a big Windows update? Oh, oh...  I don't like the sound of that.

Will Windows user face the same downsizing of features that the Mac users are facing right now?
Specifically, the Mac horizontal view was scrapped into order to squeeze in a new complex program called Reminders (not available on Windows currently).

The 5.1.1. Mac users are now being chastised for not being vocal enough in the past about their desires.

So as a Windows user, let me go on the record:


I do not want the Horizontal view trashed.
To be as clear as possible, I want the Windows version to maintain:

1.) the Standard Horizontal List View (Ctrl + F5)
2.) the Awesome Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
3.) the Snippet View (Ctrl + F6)
4.) the Thumbnail View (Ctrl + F7)

The reason mentioned, by an Evernote staff member, for dumping the Mac horizontal view was to accommodate the new ponderous Reminder system.

I have long preached for simplicity; just add the previously promised Due Date field. The Due Date field is simpler and easier to understand than the multi-tenacled Reminder add-on. The Due Date field could be used with all 4 views. An added bonus - 3rd party developers would have a lot more flexibility than with the bulky Reminder system.  I realize that horse has left the barn, so I will just say that I told you several times.


By the way, I've been burned by past beta releases and will not go down that road. My only other options are via the Support Channel and this forum. I hope the message gets transferred over to the decision makers in Redwood City.


Sergeant Schultz has spoken.
Search Code 47ER92

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  • Level 5*

The 5.1.1. Mac users are now being chastised for not being vocal enough in the past about their desires.So as a Windows user, let me go on the record:

Chastised by me :)

And, you are doing what I think everyone ought to be doing -- voicing your opinion BEFORE Evernote (or any developer) commits to a course of action rather than afterwards, when you have to fight to get something you need back. I think the Easter Egg vertical list view in Windows will finally get clear access from the interface, rather than being a hidden shortcut code. I don't know about the other views, though. If I were using Windows (I am still mulling the Surface Pro over in my mind), I'd certainly want to see the information density remain, and maybe even improve. Windows has always been better than other clients in this regard. From a post I made about productivity in the past:

At a glance I would like to see as much information about my account and my notes as possible. I understand that this might be overwhelming to some users, especially newer ones, or people with fewer notes, so persistent on/off toggles (as we used to have with OSX) would be fine.

1 Windows tells me at a glance: note count, word count, character count, size date created, author, source url, location, tag, notebook, and title.

2 OSX tells me tag, notebook, and title.

3 Android tells me note title (once I am editing a note).

4 iOS has the note title.

By the way, is the Search Code 47ER92 appropriate here? I think you need to make a new one, since the Due Date field is apparently not going to happen. Perhaps Search Code 29WE567 for "Windows user interface feature suggestions."

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  • Level 5*

The reminder system as I've seen it on the web and Android clients is actually pretty lightweight and simple, and something I might actually use. I'd hope that they'd keep the bulk of the UI the same, and avoid what I see as missteps in  the Mac UI (big pillowy notebook display), and the note list options (even though I really only use snippet view these days), added into the fact that they didn't seem to have done any public betas beforehand of the new Mac UI. 


Guess we'll just need to wait and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

As far as I know, reminders don't get trashed by the Windows client any more. I did try this when the came out in the Android beta.

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I completely agree with @jbenson2. From the bad problems with version 5 on OSX, I wouldn't keep my hopes up however. For example, my guess is that the new Windows version will remove the notebook view that can be navigated with the keyboard, and replace it with a strange "sidebar" that one has to use the mouse to click in. Why on earth anyone would like to make a "big update" to a product that is great is beyond me.

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  • Level 5

How long will we have to wait?

It's tricky to add duedates on Android and delete them automatically when edit the note on windows.


Yes, the reminders are tricky.


Just tried this a moment ago.

Reminders are removed from the Web with no notification just by adding a tag to the note in Windows.

I'm giving Evernote Reminders a wide berth until they offer it in Windows.

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I am done waiting for Windows update, like, isn't this the most used platform?

I have set multiple reminders which are work-related on Android but can't get them on my laptop where I do most of the work. Frustrating.  :angry: 

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  • Level 5

Fortunately, the delay is due to the Evernote Marketing team running extensive and multiple field tests to ensure this major Windows upgrade truly addresses the concerns and needs of the actual users.


Plus the Evernote Quality Assurance team is working overtime to assure this major Windows upgrade is bug free.



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Or maybe the code just isn't ready?


Would people prefer they rushed and released buggy code? By the way, no software is ever bug free.


Reminders are great, but if they aren't supported across all the platforms that you need them to, then why not wait and instead use the software that you used a month ago?

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  • Level 5

Or maybe the code just isn't ready?


Would people prefer they rushed and released buggy code? By the way, no software is ever bug free.


That's a good point.


We certainly don't want to end up with a buggy version released too early that requires a rapid response team from Evernote to fix the problems, like the ones we saw with the Mac 5.0 release, the Skitch 2.0 release, or the Evernote Business release.


Take it slow and easy.

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Just a few days ago, the Evernote Marketing Manager, Andrew Sinkov, posted the following comment on the blog: "We're working on a big Windows update. Stay tuned."

...a big Windows update? Oh, oh...  I don't like the sound of that.

Will Windows user face the same downsizing of features that the Mac users are facing right now?

Specifically, the Mac horizontal view was scrapped into order to squeeze in a new complex program called Reminders (not available on Windows currently).

The 5.1.1. Mac users are now being chastised for not being vocal enough in the past about their desires.

So as a Windows user, let me go on the record:


I do not want the Horizontal view trashed.

To be as clear as possible, I want the Windows version to maintain:

1.) the Standard Horizontal List View (Ctrl + F5)

4.) the Awesome Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5)

2.) the Snippet View (Ctrl + F6)

3.) the Thumbnail View (Ctrl + F7)

The reason mentioned, by an Evernote staff member, for dumping the Mac horizontal view was to accommodate the new ponderous Reminder system.

I have long preached for simplicity; just add the previously promised Due Date field. The Due Date field is simpler and easier to understand than the multi-tenacled Reminder add-on. The Due Date field could be used with all 4 views. An added bonus - 3rd party developers would have a lot more flexibility than with the bulky Reminder system.  I realize that horse has left the barn, so I will just say that I told you several times.


By the way, I've been burned by past beta releases and will not go down that road. My only other options are via the Support Channel and this forum. I hope the message gets transferred over to the decision makers in Redwood City.


Sergeant Schultz has spoken.

Search Code 47ER92



The vertical list view (CTRL+SHFT+F5) is so cool! I had no idea about it. Thanks!

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  • Level 5

I live on the Vertical List View 98% of the time. I am able to maximize the amount of space for my content. This allows me to view 38 note titles at a time, for typos, fast review, the big picture, etc.  

A few key strokes will bring in other less important information - F10 for the Left Panel; Ctrl + F10 for Search Explanation; the F8 for note info;  Ctrl + F8 for the editing toolbar; and so on.


Here is a screen capture of recent news stories on the Government NSA spying scandal.

I tagged them with Data-Gate.

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I guess the new update will be roll out soon, cause the current version haven't updated for a while and a last update was the end f the milestone; it was only minor bugs that reported by the forum. So, I guess the whole Evernote for Windows team all started to finalizing the new version. I will predict the release after Evernote Devcup.

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  • Level 5*

I hope the beta testers are making sure that Evernote does not delete the Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5).

Beta testers can't do anything but offer feedback...
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  • Level 5


I hope the beta testers are making sure that Evernote does not delete the Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5).

Beta testers can't do anything but offer feedback...



Yup, and that's exactly what I hope they are doing.


Long live the Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5)!

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  • Level 5

dpacker, I agree with you.

Here is a portion of my original post:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The 5.1.1. Mac users are now being chastised for not being vocal enough in the past about their desires.

So as a Windows user, let me go on the record:


I do not want the Horizontal view trashed.
To be as clear as possible, I want the Windows version to maintain:

1.) the Standard Horizontal List View (Ctrl + F5)
2.) the Awesome Vertical List View (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
3.) the Snippet View (Ctrl + F6)
4.) the Thumbnail View (Ctrl + F7)

The reason mentioned, by an Evernote staff member, for dumping the Mac horizontal view was to accommodate the new ponderous Reminder system.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I hope Evernote has learned from their Mac 5.0 experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty aggravated at the big diss that Evernote has been throwing at Windows users by holding off on this update. It's not like this is a productivity tool, or anything, and it's not like we're talking about the version that people use on their computers when they want to actually accomplish anything...

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  • Level 5*

I'm pretty aggravated at the big diss that Evernote has been throwing at Windows users by holding off on this update.

"Diss"?? Oh, please. Windows users have had the luxury of having the best Evernote client in many areas for several years. There is no diss at all -- it's not as if they're "holding off" on the update intentionally to torque anyone off; it's in progress, and when they're ready, they'll release it.

It's not like this is a productivity tool, or anything, and it's not like we're talking about the version that people use on their computers when they want to actually accomplish anything...

Have no idea what this means. At all. Lots of folks use Evernote as a, yes, productivity tool. I do. If it's not a useful tool for you, why the aggravation then?
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Have no idea what this means. At all. Lots of folks use Evernote as a, yes, productivity tool. I do. If it's not a useful tool for you, why the aggravation then?


From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm : Sarcasm can frequently be unnoticed in print form, often requiring the intonation or tone of voice to indicate the quip.

Seems to be the case here, jefito's missed it.


Anyway, I never knew of the Vertical view, Ctrl-Shift-F5, so thanks for that! Hopefully it will go on the menu in the next release.


My bank's internet banking rolled out a new website design with much fanfare, and most of what they did, was just add all this white space everywhere, so you need a 1920x1080 just to see a few transactions. Ridiculous, it's so lazy and simplistic.

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  • Level 5*

@sarcasm : Yep, looks like I missed it, maybe because the original assertion was so wildly off-base. Ah well, guess I'll need to live with that the rest of my life...

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  • Level 5
Anyway, I never knew of the Vertical view, Ctrl-Shift-F5, so thanks for that! Hopefully it will go on the menu in the next release.



Your comment is why I posted the original message.

I am concerned that Evernote will kill the Vertical List View.


  • The Vertical List View is Evernote's secret view. It was not marketed or promoted by Evernote. It sort of quietly snuck into the Windows program.
  • An Evernote employee posted a question asking what was the benefit of this secret view.
  • It is only available on Windows. The Mac version recently had a major upgrade and the Vertical View was not added.


Here is an example of what the view looks like.

It focuses on the important stuff: titles and content.

(Other panels and info are available with a just a keystroke.)



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  • Level 5
Mac has the "side list view" and it is accessible from the interface.



Thanks Grumpy,

I did not see your May 26th blog. I'm not a Mac user, but as I recall the vertical view was missing on the major upgrade to Mac 5.0 - it appears that it was added to the minor upgrade later on with 5.1.0. I'm glad to see the Vertical View is possible in the Mac (which you captured on your blog).


I could not find any Evernote marketing info on the Vertical view by running a Google Search for:

Evernote Mac "Vertical View" or Evernote Mac "Vertical List View"


All I found on the first couple of search result pages were your Blog, a CNET mention, and several user forum comments, but nothing from the actual developer (Evernote). I assume they notified the Mac users with the upgrade to version 5.1.0, but I have not found anything from Evernote marketing.

So, your blog has given me more hope about the future for the secret vertical view. I hope Evernote feels the same way.


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I am concerned that Evernote will kill the Vertical List View.


  • The Vertical List View is Evernote's secret view. It was not marketed or promoted by Evernote. It sort of quietly snuck into the Windows program.


Are you freaking kidding me?!  lol, I've specifically posted before begging for this type of a view and here it is as a "secret" view.  This literally just enhanced my entire workflow because I hate the standard vertical views, prefer the format of the horizontal view, but wanted it in the vertical view.


It is only available on Windows. The Mac version recently had a major upgrade and the Vertical View was not added.


I think you may be misstating here.  The actual issue that they added a vertical list view, but in the process decided to arbitrarily remove the horizontal view.  After all the outrage they brought the horizontal back, but the new vertical view remains.

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Can't get over this hidden vertical view!  I am in heaven here, finally able to have a view on Windows that I prefer/enjoy.  This is how I use Outlook and every other program that allows the user to orient their reading panes, but the horrible (for me) snippet and thumbnail views were next to worthless.

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I can't agree more about the secret vertical view, Ctrl-Shift-F5. Thanks to this thread I know about it and use it eversince and all of the time.


Before I was unhappy with the other views, switching between them constantly: the horizontal view showing to little, the ctrl+F6 view showing to much.


The vertical view ist just perfect! So, please leave it in future versions of EN for Windows. And make it an official view in the menue :)

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Well, beta is out, anyone know if they trashed it?  It does look like they trashed the separation of business and personal notebooks, which was every bit as important to me.  I'm waiting for a confirmation right now.

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Well, beta is out, anyone know if they trashed it?  It does look like they trashed the separation of business and personal notebooks, which was every bit as important to me.  I'm waiting for a confirmation right now.

We haven't touched the list view. I did want to ask if you could elaborate on your business workflows or habits. I've had a few users mention the same thing as you and I'd like more information

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Well, beta is out, anyone know if they trashed it?  It does look like they trashed the separation of business and personal notebooks, which was every bit as important to me.  I'm waiting for a confirmation right now.

We haven't touched the list view. I did want to ask if you could elaborate on your business workflows or habits. I've had a few users mention the same thing as you and I'd like more information


Thanks for the response.  More info about why I'd like business and personal notebooks separated?  I will post later in the other thread I started on the issue and put a link to it here so I don't take this further off topic.

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Well, beta is out, anyone know if they trashed it?  It does look like they trashed the separation of business and personal notebooks, which was every bit as important to me.  I'm waiting for a confirmation right now.

We haven't touched the list view. I did want to ask if you could elaborate on your business workflows or habits. I've had a few users mention the same thing as you and I'd like more information


Thanks for the response.  More info about why I'd like business and personal notebooks separated?  I will post later in the other thread I started on the issue and put a link to it here so I don't take this further off topic.


Sounds great. Just want to make sure I understand a variety of use-cases, habits and workflows

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Well, beta is out, anyone know if they trashed it?  It does look like they trashed the separation of business and personal notebooks, which was every bit as important to me.  I'm waiting for a confirmation right now.

We haven't touched the list view. I did want to ask if you could elaborate on your business workflows or habits. I've had a few users mention the same thing as you and I'd like more information


Thanks for the response.  More info about why I'd like business and personal notebooks separated?  I will post later in the other thread I started on the issue and put a link to it here so I don't take this further off topic.


Sounds great. Just want to make sure I understand a variety of use-cases, habits and workflows



Did you have an opportunity to read the long post I made in the other thread?  Plus the several other people who have also expressed concern :)?  Which i suspect will explode if you don't address this since only a small fraction of people try to beta and post?  Thanks

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