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(Archived) Evernote for Photos/Videos?

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Evernote is amazing! So i think that Evernote should develop a new product such as EverPhoto / EverVideo where you can save photos/videos to print so that we have one place for everything (Notes, Photos, Videos) and we don't need SnapFish/Flickr etc.  What do you think? 

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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums.  I agree Evernote is the bees' knees,  but why would they put developing their massively successful existing product on hold to spend millions developing something like Flickr,  or Picassa,  or any one of a dozen other photo platforms?  I use a bespoke picture curation package (Picassa) because my modest 10MP bridge camera takes 2.5MB+ pictures,  and too many of those would seriously dent my upload allowance!

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I agree with Gaz. There are already plenty of photo managers. EN's focus is collecting, organizing & retrieving information. Just as they don't strive to be another task list manager, I would imagine they aren't striving to be another photo manager. Additionally, with the upload limits of EN, some people would find their photos are quickly using up their monthly upload amount.

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  • Level 5*

Again,  why?  Evernote found a niche in the market that they took over and made their own.  Starting again in a new market where they're the smallest company on the block (in image-handling,  anyway) doesn't sound very attractive.

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