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(Archived) Synchronization Windows XP failed


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I am using evernotes with Windows XP, WIndows 7 and IOS. Yesterday I installed a windows XP update and I think this was the reason I could not synchronize evernotes anymore. So I uninstalled the update, but it still does not work. I can synchronize with Windows 7 and IOS, but not wirh windows XP. My mistake was I import a lot of documents to evernotes yesterday. If I deinstall evernotes and install it once again, are the documents lost or did they still exist on my windows XP computer?

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  • Level 5*

You should look first in your activity log for the Evernote on your XP machine (Help / Activity Log) ; look at the entries around the time that your sync failed -- that may give you a clue as to what's happening. Beyond that, you may need to file a support inquiry.

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