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(Archived) Extending Evernote Premium with Moleskin voucher

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I've just received my new Evernote Moleskin notebook and have started to use it. Very nice it is too.

I've found the code for the 3 month extension to my Premium membership, but for the life of me, I can't find anywhere to enter it so that I can activate it!

I've tried visiting go.evernote.com/moleskin as instructed, but the page doesn't exist/is down.

Can someone point me in the right direction please?


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Just got my evernote moleskine today and have encountered a problem in that there is no evernote code in my book. It shows the Evernote elephant, the words evernote premium and nothing else. I cannot find a code to enter into Evernote.

Any suggestions?



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I think it must be a Moleskine error - they didn't print the code on the back of the book. I guess it's more of a quality control issue on their side. I've contacted Moleskine to sort it out. Nice book otherwise!

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