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(Archived) Evernote opens weblink in Evernote (not external browser)


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If anyone has a note that causes this that they can send to me, please PM me. To send a note, you right click, export and then save.

We haven't been able to reproduce this bug and having an example note would help a lot.


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Also had this problem twice. The problem with recreating this issue is that it destroys the note! When the target of the link open in editor you cannot go back to original note which is lost!

BTW the last build introduced so many bugs - I cannot "tab" to enter new row in table, clear formatting function doesn't work at all. It's a disaster

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  • Level 5

BTW the last build introduced so many bugs - I cannot "tab" to enter new row in table, clear formatting function doesn't work at all. It's a disaster

Thanks for reporting the problem with using tab to enter a new row in a table. This fix will be available in the next 4.5.8 beta.

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But uninstalling would lost all my data...??


No, you won't lose your data, but for precaution's sake back it up to an external pen drive a different folder than where you have EN installed. See my post here for instructions.


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  • 5 months later...

Any news on this? can i uninstall Evernote and install stable version or something?

You can uninstall and find the previous GA at: http://evernote.s3.a..._4.5.7.7146.exe

I'm experiencing the same problem. Hyperlinks in Evernote don't open in the browser or anywhere! I exited out of Evernote and reentered, but no joy. Now I'm also thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling. What does "the previous GA" mean? Does the installation process give the user a choice of build? I installed such a long time ago that I don't remember the details.

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