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Bead Crafting Checklist

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Hiya! I am VERY new to Evernote and am still working out the kinks. lol I love to bead using different sizes, projects etc. I have yet to find a great app to help me get organized with my bead inventory. So I am trying Evernote. Does anyone have any ideas? I just waste money buying things to find out that I have PLENTY of it at home and needed a different type instead of the one I bought. I love how I can put different projects in here but I just need a way to organize it all from Needs list, have list, needles, threads, findings, different types and sizes of beads etc. Maybe I'm just cursed to be OVER organized with this. lol Thanks! :D

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I keep a list of my knitting needles (size, length and quantity). I make sure to sync up the EN and desktop apps often (especially before heading to the craft store!). I don't keep my yarn organized only because I don't buy a lot of extra yarn (and usually only buy it when I have a project in mind). I have set up a knitting folder and recently divided everything into stacks for General Knitting, Ideas, Knitting Techniques and Patterns (I love me some organized folders!). I have to be careful of the number of stacks I use. Too many and it's a pain to keep things organized. Too few and I spend too much time scrolling (because I don't always remember what patterns are called).

It does take a little work up front (sorting the items, creating notes) but I've been really happy when I head to the craft store!

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Jenni. I use structured note titles for specific use cases. In your case something like: Knitting - Needle..., Knitting - Pattern..., Crochet - Pattern..., etc.

This let's me reduce the number of notebooks and still quickly find notes I want.

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Jenni. I use structured note titles for specific use cases. In your case something like: Knitting - Needle..., Knitting - Pattern..., Crochet - Pattern..., etc.

This let's me reduce the number of notebooks and still quickly find notes I want.

Yes, I forgot to mention I use structured note titles as well (Except the needles file which is called "!--Knitting Needles" to keep it at the top of my list). This is especially useful for patterns. Pattern creators don't always give patterns useful names. I am currently knitting fingerless gloves called "Porphyria." I have no hope of ever remembering that name when I search up the pattern, so the note is named, "Fingerless Gloves, Porphyria." Same with scarves, hats blankets, toys...

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Yes, I forgot to mention I use structured note titles as well (Except the needles file which is called "!--Knitting Needles" to keep it at the top of my list). This is especially useful for patterns. Pattern creators don't always give patterns useful names. I am currently knitting fingerless gloves called "Porphyria." I have no hope of ever remembering that name when I search up the pattern, so the note is named, "Fingerless Gloves, Porphyria." Same with scarves, hats blankets, toys...

Don't forget you can add images & then search using the thumbnail or snippet view (at least in the Windows client.) I do this often for similar things where the text description is not very descriptive. :P I run my search & then switch to the snippet/thumbnail view (since I normally use the list view) & enlarge the panes/thumbs so I can see them easily. Then I just scroll to the one I'm looking for.

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